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Tigers Athletics

Taylor Middle School


Tigers Athletics

Taylor Middle School

Tigers Athletics

Taylor Middle School

Tigers Athletics

Taylor Middle School

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 1 year ago @ 8:30PM

Boys Basketball - Final Rosters

Congratulations to the following players listed below on making the 2024 Taylor Boys Basketball teams.  You need to report on Monday (12/9) from 2:30 - 4:30 for practice.   Please get out on first bell and have your rides here on time.  Thank you to everyone who tried out for the team.  We appreciate all of your efforts.

Ryan Green (A Team)

Aiden Kolovich (A Team)

Zaki Brooks (A Team)

Malachi Campbell (A Team)

Tyler Carlson  (A Team)

Ryder Cupka  (A Team)

Tar Kulang  (A Team)

 Brody Sawaqdeh (A Team)

 Isaiah Winston (A Team)

Jonathan McAuliffe (A Team)

Mason Schaeffer (A Team)

Jackson Thorne (A Team)

Mason Wheatley (A Team)


Eli Hundley  (B Team)

Rett Colvin  (B Team)

Leonardo Bouland (B Team)

Isaiah Chichester (B Team)

Theo Bardis (B Team)

Jace Carter (B Team)

Easton Gabler (B Team)

Faraji Golding (B Team)

Grant Riley (B Team)

Sawyer Watson (B Team)

Cameron Simoes (B Team)




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